EL CODI SECRET La classe del cinema i de l'art durant aquest segon trimestre hem estat resolent petit reptes físics amb diferent tipus de material que la Semprequieta ens ha fet fer per poder conseguir la combinació d'un cadenat que tancava una caixa. Després de molts esforços i dedicació hem aconseguit obrir la caixa... sabeu que hi havia a dins? Cliqueu per descobrir-ho
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: març, 2018
We went to Billy Banjo's show!
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On Monday 19th March 3rd and 4th Grade attended the show "Billy Banjo" at Centre Moral of Poblenou. It was a funny story based on the American Far West. We helped Billy Banjo and his wife Kate to get 1.000 dollars to repair their house! We could sing songs and participate in the show! Even our teacher Miquel of 3rd A play the role of a cow! Yeeeeehaahhhh! Now you can write your opinion in the comments below: WHAT PART OF THE SHOW DID YOU ENJOY THE MOST? a. The Bandit stealing Billy Banjo's money b. The Rodeo (catching cows with ropes) c. Billy Banjo and his helpers painting Mrs Posh House. d. Susie Stardust 's Rock Concert. e. ..... (add another on your own). Thanks for your participation!